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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৩rd সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৩

নিগার ফাতিমা


Nigar Fatima

Scientific Officer

Environmental Biotechnology Division

Phone +8801552476548

E-mail: nigar.fatima1100@gmail.com





Academic Background


Master of Science: Dept of Microbiology, University of Dhaka

Bachelor of Science: Dept of Microbiology, University of Dhaka


Current Research Areas


Plant growth promoting stress tolerant bacteria, Heavy Metal Bioremediation, Molecular biology, Whole genome sequencing of bacteria




     Scientific Officer                    

Ongoing Research Project

  • Co-principal investigator of project entitled “Collection and Study of Genetic Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny of Rice Associated Nitrogen Fixing Microorganism from Various Agro-ecological Zones of Bangladesh.”
  • Co-principal investigator of project entitled “Molecular characterization of several highly chromium tolerant bacteria: detoxification mechanism and beneficial effect on plant growth.”
  • Co-principal investigator of project entitled “Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant producing bacteria from hydrocarbon contaminated soil.”  


  • SAJIDA FOUNDATION                                                                                 

July, 2020-Sept, 2021

      Assistant Coordinator- Quality Control and Training

  • Worked as a quality control personnel to educate hospital staff checking quality and safety issues related to patient service through checklists, providing assistance to the capacity building team with Training Need Analysis (TNA), planning, organizing and conducting training/orientation on-job training to staff on diverse topics (quality of care and safety measures, behavior aspects of healthcare workers, COVID-19 vaccines, Hospital Waste Management for infection prevention and control etc.), preparing case studies, report and documents and revising the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of our hospital.



Graduate Research Associate                                                                                       Jan, 2019-June, 2020

  • Retrieving isolates from stock culture
  • Performed relevant cultural and molecular laboratory work, gene sequencing and analyzed the data using bioinformatics software as well as statistical analysis
  • Cloned and over expressed the aio gene of Achromobacter xylosoxidans BHW 15

   Graduate researcher                                                                                  May, 2017- Dec, 2018

  • Researched on arsenic transforming bacteria of Bogura District of Bangladesh
  • Performed relevant cultural and molecular laboratory work, gene sequencing and analyzed the data using bioinformatics software as well as statistical analysis
  • Participated in weekly lab meetings and submitted regular reports in forms of presentations on progress of the research    work
  • Submitted a thesis paper entitled “Characterization of the ars and aio Gene Cluster of Novel Arsenotrophic β-proteobacterium Achromobacter xylosoxidans BHW 15” and performed a 10-minute oral presentation on the findings of the same project for partial completion of MS program

Summer Intern                                                                                                    May, 2016- June, 2016

  • evaluated a filter efficacy to the desalinate seawater




  • Fatima N.; Imran A.; Tuli SR; Ahmed I; Sharmin SA,;  “’Comparative genomic insights into the plant growth promoting, pesticide tolerant traits of Enterobacter roggenkampii BbS7 and Klebsiella quasipneumoniae TgR5, isolated from rice rhizosphere in Bangladesh”, Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development, 7- 8 October, 2023, Khulna, Bangladesh (abstract submitted).
  • Fatima N.; Imran A.; Tuli SR; Ahmed I; Sharmin SA,;  “Multi-Stress Tolerant Burkholderia spp. Isolates from Rice Rhizosphere in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Assessment of Stress Tolerance and Plant Growth-Promoting Traits”, 5th ICBHA 2023 Conference, 1- 3 September, 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh (Poster Presentation, 2023).
  • Tuli S., Sharmin A., Ahmed I., Jaminur K., Fatima N., Ali F. (2023). Identification of plant growth promoting features in nitrogen fixing Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the rice fields of different agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh. In: 36th Annual conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists (BSM) 2023.
  • Sharmin A., Tuli S., Jaminur K., Fatima N., Ali F. (2023). Molecular characterization and draft genome sequence of Mammalicoccus sciuri - a chromate-reducing bacteria. In: 36th Annual conference of Bangladesh Society of Microbiologists (BSM) 2023