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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৫ August ২০১৮

Rules & Application Form of Biotech Business idea competition



Biotechnology Based Business Idea Contest


This competition aims to provide the business aspects of biotechnology based research and products. A number of reputed business personalities, entrepreneurs and corporate personalities will be present in this competition.


General Rules:


  • Each team will consist of three participants (life science background) from the same department of the university.
  • One participant cannot be a part of more than one team.
  • Duration of the presentation will be total 10 minutes for each team. Every single participant will have to take part in the presentation.
  • Presentation will be conducted in English and slides should be prepared using power point or relevant software.
  • Competitors should discuss the background, method and technology, final product, business aspect, marketing strategy, investment proposal and financial detail, budget and timeline.
  • There will be a training session before the competition.
  • Every team have to send a 1-2 pages business case idea (within 300-400 words) to the following email: ideacontestnib@gmail.com for the preliminary selection.
  • Interested teams have to send a business proposal mentioning product, product name, application, importance, manufacturing technology, budget, financial plan, management policy, marketing strategy and future aspect with the application form. Deadline: 25 July 2018.
  • Best 20 biotechnology based business idea will be called for workshop and semi-final round.






  • Best teams will be awarded.


Send to: ideacontestnib@gmail.com

Deadline for sending business idea and application form: 25 July, 2018


Any Query

Dr. Adnan Mannan, Assistant professor

Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

University of Chittagong

E-mail: adnan_orko@yahoo.com



Application Form

Click Here to get Application Form







Click here to get Rules and Application Form of Biotech Business idea competition Click here to get Rules and Application Form of Biotech Business idea competition